Schoolmarms 2.0
Email to GHS Membership 3-26-17:
We would like to continue the 3rd Grade field trips to a local historic schoolhouse for Green Local Schools. This program was previously run for over ten years by Carol Baltrinic and Pat Stiles at Lichtenwalter Schoolhouse. Because we have lost our venue, Jackson Township Historical Society has graciously offered to allow us to use their facility this year. Their schoolhouse is beautiful and will work very well for our program. We will need at least one additional volunteer during each program to monitor the students during recess and assist with historically appropriate games and activities. GHS and COG will provide the materials needed to run the recess activities. We will be working with Pat and Carol to make sure the schoolmarms have everything they need to run their program and we will be working on Green Township specific displays including maps, flags, and photos to decorate the schoolhouse with Green-specific history. April 27, 2017 - Visit to JTHS Schoolhouse for Volunteer Orientation May 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24 - School Field Trips – one class per day, bus arrival 9:15 depart 1:45. For each of these dates, we need to have a schoolmarm/master, a substitute marm/master, and 2 GHS volunteers (who will be our backup subs and assist with recess and whatever else is needed) available from 9 am to 2 pm. GHS volunteers can make arrangements to split shifts if necessary. |
Visit the Suburbanite to Learn More About this Event - Jackson Lends One Room Schoolhouse to Green Third Graders