To view pictures of this event, click here.
The Green Historical Society presented "Commemorating the Civil War in 2011 on Monday, March 21, 2011 at the Central Administration Building. Over 70 people were in attendance. Karyn Norwood from the Ohio History Service AmeriCorps Program gave a presentation on the services provided by the Ohio History Service and other celebrations around Ohio commemorating the Civil War as part of the Civil War 150. Our feature speaker, John P. Gurnish gave a presentation entitled "A Journey with the 29th O.V.V.I." which included the personal stories of many of the men who served the 29th from the greater Akron area.
Dues & Desserts Event at MAPS - Free admission to MAPS, MAPS guides on hand, desserts and refreshments provided! Come out and support two great Green organizations in one amazing evening!
The Green Historical Society participated in the Green Expo hosted by the Green Chamber of Commerce on March 5, 2011. The crowds were huge and the response to the Green Historical Society new projects and displays was overwelming positive! A huge thank you to the Green Chamber of Commerce for hosting a fantastic event!
Click here to view photos of the Green Expo and the GHS Exhibits! Dr. Mary Ann Stahr, Green High School Library Media Specialist, and many other staff of Green High School have prepared an online searchable database of primary documents relevent to the history of Green Local Schools. Primary documents dating from the 1920s to 1940s are now available online. The present collection focuses on the history of the Green Local Schools. Included are the first yearbook, school newspapers, and clippings from local newspapers. These documents are searchable by keywords, such as Boettler, Kepler, school spirit, football, etc.
Click here to search the Green Local Schools Primary Document Database! For more information, click here. |
AuthorStaci Schweikert, Secretary GHS Archives
September 2022
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