Hi all,
GHS is working on several upcoming activities and we need your help. To organize all of our activities and volunteers, we are going to start using signup.com. I have summarized our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities below. If you would like to volunteer, you can email me or follow the links below to signup.com to claim your volunteer spots. Project 1 – Assist City of Green with Klinefelter Cemetery Grave Mapping Klinefelter Cemetery is a local historic landmark in the City of Green. It sits on the corner of E. Nimisila and S. Arlington and although it's a significant site for this community, it has become rather shabby-looking. And so the Mayor would like to encircle it with a fence and place a historical marker there to give the cemetery its due dignity. That's where Dr. Tim Matney, professor of archaeology at UA comes in. He has generously offered to organize his students to survey the cemetery so that we are able to correctly place a fence and sign - by identifying where gravesites might be that are no longer visible on the surface and generally confirming the boundaries of the cemetery. Dr. Matney met several of us at Klinefelter Cemetery on November 22 to walk the site and talk about various methods that could be used to achieve our goals for this historic place. Dr. Matney has offered to work alongside Mr. John Berry - a Green High School science teacher and several of Mr. Berry's students in a collaborative archaeological experience. We are really excited to see this unfold and very grateful that some of our high school students will have this really unique opportunity in their own community. The City of Green has asked GHS to assist with this project by cleaning up the cemetery grounds, removing leaves and any loose debris so that Mr. Matney’s equipment will work better. While we will not have an ‘official’ role in the mapping festivities on April 8th and 9th, we will have the opportunity to allow a few of our members to be present and watch and record our own notes about Mr. Matney’s findings. Because of the size of the cemetery, this opportunity is available first come, first served. All GHS members wishing to attend must be prepared to record notes and watch Mr. Matney and the students work without distracting or interrupting their work. Klinefelter Cemetery Mapping Project To sign up, click here: http://signup.com/go/dxFgZ1 April 5, 2017 – 9-12 Klinefelter Cemetery Clean Up 6 People to Do Yard Clean Up (we will have assistance from COG seasonal workers) April 6, 2017 – 9-12 Klinefelter Cemetery Clean Up 6 People to Do Yard Clean Up (we will have assistance from COG seasonal workers) April 7, 2017 – 9-12 Rain Date for Clean Up Work 6 People to Do Yard Clean Up (if needed) April 8, 2017 – 8:30 – 5 Klinefelter Mapping 4 People to Watch and Record April 9, 2017 – 8:30 – 5 Klinefelter Mapping Project 2 – Assist with the Schoolmarms Program Temporarily Relocated to Jackson Township Historical Society We would like to continue the 3rd Grade field trips to a local historic schoolhouse for Green Local Schools. This program was previously run for over ten years by Carol Baltrinic and Pat Stiles at Lichtenwalter Schoolhouse. We would like to help them carry on this Green tradition. Because we have lost our venue, Jackson Township Historical Society has graciously offered to allow us to use their facility this year. Their schoolhouse is beautiful and will work very well for our program. We will need at least one additional volunteer during each program to monitor the students during recess and assist with historically appropriate games and activities. GHS and COG will provide the materials needed to run the recess activities. We will be working with Pat and Carol to make sure the schoolmarms have everything they need to run their program and we will be working on Green Township specific displays including maps, flags, and photos to decorate the schoolhouse with Green-specific history. April 27, 2017 - Visit to JTHS Schoolhouse for Volunteer Orientation May 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24 - School Field Trips – one class per day, bus arrival 9:15 depart 1:45. To sign up, click here: http://signup.com/go/Tbif5P For each of these dates, we need to have a schoolmarm/master, a substitute marm/master, and 2 GHS volunteers (who will be our backup subs and assist with recess and whatever else is needed) available from 9 am to 2 pm. GHS volunteers can make arrangements to split shifts if necessary. Project 3 – Organize GHS Files and Digital Archive We would like to start meeting on Friday mornings to do research and organize our own archives. Please sign up if you plan to attend. We will initial meet in April at Staci Schweikert’s house (1261 Steese Road). Our first work project will be reviewing and categorizing our archives and pulling information necessary for the Hamlet Historic Marker project. As part of these sessions, we may also take field trips to Akron Public Library Special Collections, the U of A Archives and the Summit County Fiscal Office. If you have suggestions for future outings or topics to research, you can indicate this in signup.com. April 14, 21, 28 – Archives/Research Work Sessions To sign up, click here: http://signup.com/go/FsfRxx Please let me know if you are interested in any of these activities or visit signup.com to register. Thanks. Staci Schweikert Secretary
AuthorStaci Schweikert, Secretary GHS Archives
September 2022
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